Matteo Meschiari
Matteo Meschiari (Lille, France, Ph.D. 2006) is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of Palermo (Italy) where he has taught since 2006. Specializing in the anthropology of literature and Italian poetry, he is the author of Sistemi selvaggi. Antropologia del paesaggio scritto (2008) and Dino Campana. Formazione del paesaggio (2008). He has also published articles on the representation of landscape in European medieval and modern literature (Navigatio Sancti Brendani, Chansons de gestes, Ceccardo Roccatagliata Ceccardi, Camillo Sbarbaro, Italo Calvino, Lorand Gaspar, and Kenneth White), on contemporary Italian authors (Francesco Biamonti, Maurizio Maggiani, and Laura Pariani), and on landscape anthropology and ethnoecology. On the creative side, he is the author of several books of poetry such as Poetica del terreno (1999) and Bláserk (2003).