John Patrick Welle
John P. Welle is Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, and Concurrent Professor of Film, Television and Theatre at the University of Notre Dame. A specialist in modern Italian literature and culture, Welle’s interests include twentieth-century poetry and translation, film and literary interactions, and popular culture and media. He is the author of The Poetry of Andrea Zanzotto (1987) and the editor of “Film and Literature”: Annali d’Italianistica (1988). His translation and edition of Peasants Wake for Fellini’s ‘Casanova’ and Other Poems by Andrea Zanzotto (1997, with Ruth Feldman) was awarded the Raiziss-de Palchi Book Prize from the Academy of American Poets. He has published articles in such journals as Bianco e Nero, Cinema & Cinema, Film History, Yale Italian Poetry, Lectura Dantis, Annali d’Italianistica, Italica, Rivista di studi italiani, L’anello che non tiene and World Literature Today. He has contributed book chapters to such volumes as The Printed Media in Fin-de-Siècle Italy: Publishers, Writers and Readers (2010), Early Cinema and the “National” (2008), Sinergie narrative: Cinema e letteratura nell’Italia contemporanea (2008), Networks of Entertainment: Early Film Distribution 1895-1915 (2007); Dante, Cinema & Television (2004), From Eugenio Montale to Amelia Rosselli: Italian Poetry in the Sixties and Seventies (2004), Incontri con il cinema italiano (2003), A nuova luce: Cinema muto italiano (1999), Pasolini: Old & New (1999), and Scrittori e cinema tra gli anni ’50 e ’60 (1997). He is currently completing a book on early Italian cinema, popular fiction and celebrity culture.