Andrea Maraschi
Andrea Maraschi (PhD, University of Bologna, 2013) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Interuniversity Research Centre “Seminario di Storia della Scienza” (University of Bari), and he teaches Anthropology of Food at the University of Bologna. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Iceland from 2014 to 2017, where he studied the medicinal and magical uses of food and drink in medieval Scandinavia. He has published on early medieval hagiography, medieval banqueting, medical and magical practice in medieval Scandinavia, gender studies, cultural memory and medieval astronomy. His most recent monograph is entitled Similia similibus curantur. Cannibalismo, grafofagia e “magia” simpatetica nel medioevo (500-1500) (2020), and he is currently editing a book by the title Becoming a witch: Women and Magic in Europe during the Middle Ages and Beyond (Trivent Publishing, forthcoming).