Marta Lynch

Anna Hamling (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton)
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A prolific novelist, short story writer, journalist and one of the foremost Argentinean literary figures of the 20th century, Marta Lynch’s narratives are known for their images of women in the social and political context of the 50s and 60s in her native Argentina. Frequently noted themes include the construction of female identity in the male-dominated country of that time. Her works contain traces of her own personal experiences.

Marta Lynch’s constant obsession in life was the fear of aging – she never revealed her date of birth. Vivacious, attractive, outspoken, wealthy, university educated and well travelled, Lynch ended her life dramatically when she shot herself at her home in the Buenos Aires suburb of Vicente López on 8 October 1985. She left a note explaining that she

836 words

Citation: Hamling, Anna. "Marta Lynch". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 15 January 2010 [, accessed 02 February 2025.]

12697 Marta Lynch 1 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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