Jorge Zalamea Borda

Flavia Seferi (University of Otago)
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Jorge Zalamea Borda was a Colombian writer, journalist, essayist, critic, diplomat, and poet. Born on 8 March 1905, in Bogotá (Colombia), he was raised in an affluent family. At the age of sixteen, he began writing theatre critiques, marking the beginning of his literary career. Around the same time, he began to frequent the most fashionable cultural salons in Bogotá, established connections with the era’s most illustrious poets and writers and joined the intellectual group known as Los Nuevos [The New Ones], a heterogeneous group of journalists, politicians, poets, chroniclers, essayists, literary critics, and playwrights, whose goal was to reform Colombia’s literature and politics.

Between 1925 and 1927, Zalamea travelled through Central America and Mexico with a theatre company

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Citation: Seferi, Flavia. "Jorge Zalamea Borda". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 17 February 2025 [, accessed 21 February 2025.]

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