A. Historical background
L. Sergius Catilina was an ambitious nobleman whose career had begun during the civil wars of the 80s as an unscrupulous tool of Sulla’s in whose employ he allegedly committed various murders (Plut. Sul. 32,3; Com.Pet. 9; Sall. Hist. I 36 McGushin). After Sulla’s victory, Catiline was allegedly vicious in the bloody proscriptions which followed (Com.Pet. 9; Sall. Hist. I 37 McGushin; Asc. Tog.Cand. p. 84). Despite various scandals (e.g. Asc. Tog.Cand. p. 91), he became praetor in 68 (Asc. Tog.Cand. p. 85). In the next two years he was propraetor in Africa (Asc. Tog.Cand. p. 85; Cic. Cael. 10) where he is said to have enriched himself at the expense of the provincials (Asc. Tog.Cand. Pp. 85-86). These accusations cost him the chance to stand for the consulship
1983 words
Citation: Parker, Victor. "Bellum Catilinae". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 23 September 2013 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=34384, accessed 13 March 2025.]