Gérard Titus-Carmel, Seul Tenant [Keeping in One Piece]

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Seul tenant

(Keeping in One Piece) is the eighteenth book of poetry by Gérard Titus-Carmel. It was published by Champ Vallon in 2006, and it finds its place today, in 2012, amongst well over forty titles – not including the many books and major catalogues devoted to his painting and graphic art – that offer important reflections on the work of poets such as Pierre Reverdy, Gustave Roud and Hart Crane, extensive or more compacted meditations on the art of Munch, Bonnard, Chardin, Philippe de Champaigne, Picasso, Ernst, Caillebotte, Bram van Velde, Goya and other artists, all this in addition to densely beautiful and freely contemplative books on darkness (

La Nuit au corps

[Night in the Body], 2010) and beauty (

Le Huitième Pli

[The Eighth Fold[, in press), as well as the very recent…

3563 words

Citation: Bishop, Michael. "Seul Tenant". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 06 September 2012 [https://www.litencyc.com/php/sworks.php?rec=true&UID=34702, accessed 16 October 2024.]

34702 Seul Tenant 3 Historical context notes are intended to give basic and preliminary information on a topic. In some cases they will be expanded into longer entries as the Literary Encyclopedia evolves.

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