Anonymous, Jóns saga

Ásdís Egilsdóttir (University of Iceland)
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Icelandic prelate Jón Ögmundarson (1052–1121) was appointed the first bishop in the diocese of Hólar, North-Iceland, in 1106. Little is known of the bishop’s life. Born in South-Iceland, he became a pupil of Bishop Ísleifr Gizurarson (d. 1080). Jón did not study abroad, but, according to the vita, he travelled to Rome and on his way back he met Sæmundr Sigfússon the learned (1056–1133) and brought him back to Iceland (Foote, 1984). A cathedral was built during Bishop Jón’s episcopacy. He established a school at Hólar where he taught many students who later became well known clerics and church leaders. Jón took part in laying groundwork for Þingeyraklaustur, the first monastery in Iceland, not officially established until 1133.

Jóns saga

highlights the bishop’s…

1985 words

Citation: Egilsdóttir, Ásdís. "Jóns saga". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 05 July 2023 [, accessed 16 October 2024.]

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