The fictional character Ramona Geraldine Quimby lives on Kickitat Street in Portland, Oregon. She was first introduced to readers as a minor character in Beverly Cleary’s Henry Huggins series (1950-1964) as the little sister of Henry’s friend Beezus. Ramona’s series, eight volumes published across four decades and documenting six years of Ramona’s life, has been in continuous publication since the first volume,
Beezus and Ramona, was published in 1955. A beloved and canonical character, Ramona is often included in Best Children’s Books lists, such as Anita Silvey’s
100 Best Books for Children,
Reader’s Digest’s “106 Best Children’s Books of All Time” list, and the New York Public Library’s “125 Books We Love for Kids” list, among others. Ramona’s series…
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Citation: McNamara, Emma K.. "Ramona Quimby Series". The Literary Encyclopedia. First published 30 December 2024 [, accessed 18 January 2025.]